Outdoor Education Center Signs by David Arthur
Our interpretive signs have been featured in Tree City USA Bulletin No. 65 by the
These images are low resolution for faster web display, the high resolution images to be used for producing your signs are much sharper and clearer. To view a full resolution sign image click here.
Click in each image to enlarge it.
 4" X 9"
View our proofs of interpretive panels for acorns, tree burl, animaltracks, bioswale, brushpile, clouds, compost, dust devils, early successional plots, energy in an ecosystem, eutrophication, food chain, forest structure, frog lifecycle, butterfly lifecycle, nutrient cycle, photosynthesis, pollinators, pond water management, rock cycle, streambank stabilization, treerings, westnile virus, poisonivy, wetlands, hydrologic cycle and rotting logs by visiting Stock Panels
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
More Animal Tracks
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
More Interpretive Panels
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 4" X 9"
 8" X 10" Click in image to open a larger version in a new browser window, then click in the image again to enlarge.
These images are low resolution for faster web display, the high resolution images to be used for producing your signs are much sharper and clearer.
David Arthur
Outdoor Education Center Signs
Interpretive Signs and Markers
Providing Graphic Fabrication - Concept, Design, Layout, Graphic Art, Panel Production, Installation.
Tree/Plant/Wildlife ID Signs by David Arthur
Email david@edavidarthur.com
Designed to your specifications -
Any Tree or Plant Variety - Or Interpretive Marker
 Types of Payment Accepted
Now offering two types of sign material/processes.
Standard Fiberglass Panels
Click here for Recommended Display/Mounting Options
4" high X 9" wide
Stock Image HPC Panel Price $29.00 each
Prices for other size panels are available on request.
Standard Panels Frequently Asked Questions
High Pressure Composite (HPC) Panels
These panels are available in large formats and have a 10 year limited warranty, including a warranty against fading, even when displayed in direct UV sunlight.
Examples of large format HPC Panels
HPC Panels Frequently Asked Questions
HPC Panels Cost List
4" high X 9" wide
Stock Image HPC Panel Price $76.00 each
Prices for other size panels are available on request.
For additional infomation or to inquire about ordering use the email link below.
To Purchase use this email link!
If the email hot link is not compatible with your email program, copy the address david@edavidarthur.com into the address box of your message.
Or Phone (434) 321-2781
Interpretative Examples
Examples of large format HPC Panels:
Nature Trail Markers
Sign Examples Wildlife
Sign Examples
Sign Examples Plants
Sign Display/Mounting Options
Below are photos showing the actual size and thickness of the 4" X 9" Standard Fiberglass Panel Signs. For reference the paper the pencil is resting on, is 8.5" X 11".

Click in each photo to enlarge it.
Below are photos showing the actual size and thickness of the 4" X 9" High Pressure Composite Panel Signs.

Click in each photo to enlarge it.
Let us know what you want your custom panel to convey, and our team will develop an image proof using your suggested text and/or photos. We will then work with you to make your custom interpretive panel truly your own by editing to your specifications.
If you are interrested in our stock images we will supply a web page of images based on a list of species which you send us. Please send a list of topics or species with common and scientific names if possible.
Send your list using this email link! david@edavidarthur.com
Most of our customers are involved in projects related to Outdoor Classrooms, Nature Centers, and Environmental Education in general. Several years ago I became involved in the establishment of an outdoor learning center and requests for this type assistance resulted in me offering my services in the production of interpretive signs. Community participation and support for these efforts has been tremendous. I make no apologies for the time used in helping to educate our future citizens about the importance of protecting and conserving our natural environment. I invite each of you to join these efforts, as volunteers or just observers. The following quote may explain why our youth are exuberant when in natural settings. Using the real world is the way learning has happened for 99.9% of human existence. Only in the last hundred years have we put it in a little box called a classroom. From an article, Letting nature shape childhood, by Will Nixon, published in The Amicus Journal, Fall 1997, page 34.
David Arthur, Owner.